Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cool Floor

           People who want their floors to be cool in their houses and office without the help of Air-conditioning system. Then this article will be very helpful to you.
           Global warming is the main issue among the world today and there are many discussions also running about to control the global warming.
           Air conditioner are releasing the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which leads to the global warming. To control this we should use the air conditioner only in case of need. Alternatively we can cool our house by planting the trees near the windows and main door of the house. But it is impossible to the people living in the apartments. So, there is an alternate way of making your room floor cool.
           Red oxide color and cement is mixed in a ratio of 1:3 and water is added slowly to mix it into a thick paste, minus any lumps. The ratio of oxide color and cement may even go up to 1:5  more
cement will result in lighter shades. Red oxide color is also available in many shades of red, from very dark reds to lighter shades. Once the paste is mixed to a smooth consistency, it is applied in a thin layer on top of the concrete base. This has to be done in a continuous stretch, manually. It has to be leveled properly for an even finish.
     After laying of the red oxide floor , the floor should be sprinkled with water for every two hours from next day of floor layed. It should be followed for four days. Till four to five days no one should walk on the floor except the person who sprinkle water. The water used should be pure and free from salts. The salt or impure water will reduce the quality of floor.
       Comparing to other floors the red oxide floors will be very cool.
     It will retain its shining for more years.

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