The value of the void ratio depends on volumetric changes of soils (the void ratio of loose soils is higher than that of dense soils), thus it can be determined only from undisturbed soil samples.
The void ratio of a dense sandy gravel soil is about 0.3, that of a loose sand is about 0.6, while the void ratio of clays (in natural conditions) varies between 0.5 and 1.0 and decreases with depth of the soil layers.
*Volume change tendency control. If void ratio is high (loose soils) voids in a soil skeleton tend to minimize under loading - adjacent particles contract. The opposite situation, i.e. when void ratio is relatively small (dense soils), indicates that the volume of the soil is vulnerable to increase under loading - particles dilate.
*Fluid conductivity control (ability of water movement through the soil). Loose soils show high conductivity, while dense soils are not so permeable.
*Particles movement. In a loose soil particles can move quite easily, whereas in a dense one finer particles cannot pass through the voids, which leads to clogging.
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